About Us

 | 领航者 |

President of TIANCHENG Enterprise Group

Zhao Yongqiang

Born on Oct. 5 of 1971, came from Pujiang Country of Zhejiang Province, he is a member of China Democratic National Construction Association, member of ACYF, the 11th and 12th deputy of NPC of Hebei province, president of Zhejiang Enterprises Association in Hebei Province, member of the real property of enterprise committee of 9th Democratic National Construction Association central committee, standing committee member of Hebei Province Youth Federation, deputy director of Shijiazhuang Municipal Social Services Committee of Democratic National Construction Association, committee member of Shijiazhuang Municipal Party Committee of Democratic National Construction Association, president of Shijiazhuang Qiaoxi District Humane Society, vice-president of Shijiazhuang Industry and Commerce Federation, tutor of the postgraduate in the College of Business Administration of Hebei University of Economics and Business, member and visiting professor of Professional Development Committee of Hebei College of Business and Administration, and visiting professor of eletronic business major of Shijiazhuang Information Engineering Vocational College.

President of TIANCHENG Enterprise Group

Lai Haibo

Born on Dec. 19 of 1975, came from Shuntai County of Zhejiang Province, he was graduated from Tsinghua University majoring business management. He is a senior professional manager, One of Influential Man for Planning in Hebei, Shijiazhuang Excellent Private Entrepreneur, Shijiazhuang Excellent Party work, Excellent Communist, and Top Ten Position Pioneer of primary organization construction.